Healthy People. Healthy Buildings.
Transform the health and well-being of your employees and building occupants through education & data analytics.

Valued Clients


Course Content

Educate your people and empower them with the health knowledge and awareness that will make a difference for them through on-demand eLearning courses on the WELL Building Standard and various health and wellness topics.

Occupant Survey

Gain insight into your people’s behaviors, satisfaction levels, and areas for improvement through an annual survey administered by WLL and WELL consultants with ability provide aggregated data to stakeholders.


Keep your people informed and aware of actions they can take to improve their health and wellness through monthly newsletters providing educational articles on health and wellness topics.

Wellness Blog

Provide your people with access to additional educational resources, tools, and blog articles on various health and wellness topics.

Empower Your People With Knowledge.

The WELL Learning Library provides the tools and content to educate your people about human health and wellness with a specific focus on how the buildings we occupy impact our health and well-being. Educating your people provides them with the knowledge and tools to understand the benefits and potential impacts caused by the environments and buildings they occupy. Through this knowledge and awareness, we are transforming how human beings interact with their environments and take the necessary actions to promote their health and wellness.

What's Included?

The WELL Learning Library is an on-demand platform that allows users to access eLearning course content and other educational resources at anytime from anywhere with a computer or mobile device.

Subscribers of the library get full access to all courses, monthly newsletters, blogs, a fully serviced occupant survey, and additional educational resources.

eLearning courses include: an introductory course to WELL v2, 10 courses covering the Concepts of WELL v2 (one for each Concept), a course that explains the “why” behind WELL, and additional courses added regularly on a variety of health and wellness topics.

Ready to Implement the WELL Learning Library for your WELL Project?

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WELL BUILDING STANDARD™, WELL™, WELL V2™, INTERNATIONAL WELL BUILDING INSTITUTE™, and IWBI™ are trademarks of, and are used here with permission from, International WELL Building Institute, pbc.

Useful Links

Connect With Us

123 Main ST, Some City
Some State 10101
WELL BUILDING STANDARD™, WELL™, WELL V2™, INTERNATIONAL WELL BUILDING INSTITUTE™, and IWBI™ are trademarks of, and are used here with permission from, International WELL Building Institute, pbc.

Useful Links

Connect With Us

123 Main ST, Some City
Some State 10101

Useful Links

Connect With Us

123 Main ST, Some City
Some State 10101
WELL BUILDING STANDARD™, WELL™, WELL V2™, INTERNATIONAL WELL BUILDING INSTITUTE™, and IWBI™ are trademarks of, and are used here with permission from, International WELL Building Institute, pbc.
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